
& Affordable
Waste Services

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& Affordable
Waste Services

Request a Pickup
What We’re Offering

The Services We’re Providing

Zero Waste

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Dumpster Rental

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Portable Toilet

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Recycling Service

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Welcome to Waste Pickup Company

We’ve Been Working Since 1987 in this Field

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  • Going Above
    and Beyond

  • Committed to
    People First

Why Choose Us?

We Make Sure your Waste Goes to the Right Place

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Kevin Martin

CEO - Co Founder

  • 00


    Waste Picked & Dispose

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    Our Company is Successful

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    Satisfied & Happy People

Manage Waste Effectively
and Reduce Environmental Impact

Recent Closed Projects

Recently Completed Projects

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Waste Pickup

Home Trash Picked

Waste Pickup

Heavy Material Trash

Waste Pickup

Grocery Waste Removal

Our Pricing Plans

Offering Best Pricing

  • Dumpster Descriptions

15 Yard Roll-Off Dumpster

  • Capacity: 5 Truckloads
  • Dimensions: 16'0"L x 8'6"W x 4'5"H
  • Best Use: Medium Cleanouts
  • Weight Allowance: 1 Ton
  • Over Allowance: $65 Per Ton
  • Service Days: 8 days Included
  • Additional Service Days: $10 Per Day


20 Yard Roll-Off Dumpster

  • Capacity: 8 Truckloads
  • Dimensions: 22'0"L x 8'5"W x 4'5"H
  • Best Use: Large Cleanouts
  • Weight Allowance: 2 Tons
  • Over Allowance: $65 Per Ton
  • Service Days: 8 days Included
  • Additional Service Days: $10 Per Day


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Expert Staff & Members


Kevin Martin


Jessica Brown

Voice President

David Cooper

4 Simple Steps

Our Working Process

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    Lorem Ipsum is simply text of the new design print and type.

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    Lorem Ipsum is simply text of the new design print and type.

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